
You can download a PDF version of the book here. You can also purchase a softcover hard copy from Amazon (not just, but any amazon store around the world).

It has been my decision to make no profit out of this project, just like it's been my decision to make no profit out of the Greek Bible project. The price of the printed book on Amazon covers only the printing costs. The PDF version is available for free. I accept no donations.

The Patriarchal Psaltophiles project as well as the book "Psaltic Method—A Greek Byzantine Liturgy Chant Primer" are both licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

This means that you can share the book (in any format, electronic or hard copies), you can even adapt it to fit your purpose (correct, remix, transform, expand), as long as you:

  • give credit to me, the author; indicate any changes, but not in a way that suggest you are the original creator of this work or that I endorse your work;

  • don't sell my book (or work based on my book—derivative work) for monetary profit (non-commercial use);

  • If you adapt my book, you need to make it available for the common good under the same or a compatible license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) (share alike).